The Ill-Informed Walrus: A Short Parable About Living in The Truth (How It Affects You and Your Clients)

From the mind's eye of your business owner clients. Business owners expect and secretly desire to have their CPA accountants really be a sounding board for them, really help them understand what they're up against, help them navigate through. And the CPA accountant is usually the one who has the information. And sometimes accountants, you see it, you can see some issues that are going on with the clients, and sometimes you might be intimidating to jump in and just start that type of a conversation. Over the weeks and months, I'll give you other ideas on how to run a controlled business conversation. But the Ill-Informed Walrus, which is a video I'm about to share with you.

This is about helping a client getting in touch of not what they want to know, but rather what they need to know to get back in control of their business. And this is a tool that you can use to perhaps share a metaphor. Share this parable. Sometimes you can send this ahead and say, I have something important I'd like to talk to you about, but first I want to share this short story with you. And you can go ahead and use this video, use it with your clients as a tool to get their attention, touch on some important topics that your clients need to know. Enjoy The Ill-Informed Walrus. Ponder it and think on it.

I'm Bill Baylis. Create success on purpose.


From Fire Breathing Dragon to Tamed Business: Two Essential Tools for Small Business Owners


The Minds Eye of Your Dream Client